Medicare For Dummies

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Details e-Book Medicare For Dummies

🗸 Author(s):
🗸 Title: Medicare For Dummies
🗸 Rating : 194 from 5 stars ( reviews)
🗸 Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
🗸 Supported Devices: Android, iOS, MacOS, PC and Amazon Kindle

Manage the Medicare maze — from enrollment dates to plan options! To get the most from Medicare, you need accurate information that steers you clear of bad advice and costly pitfalls. Medicare For Dummies is what you need to navigate Medicare successfully and get the best out of the complex system. AARP’s Medicare expert, Patricia Barry, gives you plain-language explanations of how Medicare works and what steps you need to take to make it work for you, including: How you qualify for Medicare and when to enroll according to your personal situation What Medicare covers and what it costs Ways to reduce out-of-pocket expenses Tips for dealing with doctors and switching plans You'll even get information about proposed changes to Medicare that you should know about and tips for staying healthy. If you're one of the millions of Americans looking to get the lowdown on Medicare, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.