Understanding Financial Statements

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Details e-Book Understanding Financial Statements

🗸 Author(s):
🗸 Title: Understanding Financial Statements
🗸 Rating : 677 from 5 stars ( reviews)
🗸 Format ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML and MOBI
🗸 Supported Devices: Android, iOS, MacOS, PC and Amazon Kindle

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A supplementary text for a variety of Business courses, including Financial Statement Analysis, Investments, Personal ¿Finance, and Financial Planning and Analysis ¿ An Analytical Approach to Understanding and Interpreting Business Financial Statements ¿ Understanding Financial Statements improves the student’s ability to translate a financial statement into a meaningful map for business decisions. The material covered in each chapter helps students approach financial statements with enhanced confidence and understanding of a firm’s historical, current, and prospective financial condition and performance. The Eleventh Edition includes new case studies based on existing companies and enhanced learning tools to help students quickly grasp and apply the materials. Fraser and Ormiston presents material in an engaging fashion that helps readers make sense of complex financial information, leading to intelligent (and profitable!) decision-making.